Campaign ‘Pupils ask you – slow down by the school’ is set to continue


JKP ‘Parking Servis’ begins a new cycle of the educational campaign ‘Pupils ask you – slow down by the school’. This part of campaign has started on Thursday 29th of January in Vozdovac school ‘Jovan Jovanovic Zmaj’. After Vozdovac, where 1500 school children will be given fluorescent vests and learn basics of conduct in traffic, the campaign team will visit Rakovica municipality. It has been planned that during one week all schools of a particular municipality are visited.

115 schools in 10 Belgrade municipalities will be visited and 11000 vests distributed in the forthcoming weeks. For educational purposes we have produced a DVD with a suitable musical video, which will be delivered to the schools.

In the previous part of the campaign, which took place from 01st October to 15th November last year, JKP ‘Parking Servis’ team and members of traffic police paid a visit to 7 suburban municipalities and distributed 4 500 vests.