Zone parking

1. How much time does a driver have to pay for parking a vehicle in a zone area?

Parking payment is required immediately upon parking a vehicle.

2. What is the deadline to move a vehicle after the paid parking time exceeds?

After the maximum allowable zone time limit exceeds the driver must move vehicle from parking place, or pay additional parking time, if applicable, under special conditions. Additional parking time is possible in the Red, Yellow and Green zone.

3. How long can I park in a time–limited parking area? What is an additional time parking period?

Parking zones within city centre of Belgrade are time-limited:

  • Purple zone – 30 minutes
  • Red zone – 1 hour
  • Yellow zone – 2 hours
  • Green zone – 3 hours.

Upon the maximum allowable zone time limit expiry, the driver may extend a parking time for an additional 30 minutes in Red zone and 1 hour in Yellow or Green zone. The price of the additional parking time is determined by the official company’s price list, and it is higher than price for the regular hours within time limits of the zones.

Blue zone is not time-limited.

4. Can a driver park his vehicle in the same zone after the time limit has expired?

In the same zone, a driver can re-park a vehicle 30 minutes after the time limit has expired.

5. Why is it compulsory to provide for inspection an identity card and a traffic license every time you renew a privileged parking permit (PPT)?

Any person with a residence in the designated zone area and who owns a vehicle is entitled to a privileged parking permit (PPT). The only valid document to determine somebody’s residence is an identity card and ownership over a vehicle is a traffic license. By providing them for inspection it is checked if there has been any changes since the last time a person applied for a PPТ. Traffic license is provided for inspection so as to verify ownership of the vehicle as well as the validity of the vehicle’s registration.

6. How are PPT users notified of PPT permit expiry?

When issuing a PPT the user is informed about its duration. Afterwards the customers can get the information of PPT permit expiration from the ‘Parking Servis’ customer service operators or e-mail. In addition, the vehicle owner could receive an SMS with the renewal notice, under conditions given in Customer service. It is the obligation of the user to take care of the PPT expiry date.

7. What documents do businesses need to obtain and renew a PPT?

Business entities and entrepreneurs need the following documents to obtain the privileged parking ticket:

  • Request for PPT (on the company’s letterhead)
  • Authorization for the person who submits the application on behalf of the company (on the company’s letterhead)
  • Certificate from the Business Register Agency, a photocopy
  • TIN – a photocopy
  • If PPT is for the address that is not written in the APR form, than the following is needed:
    • certified photocopy of business premises sale contract or the ownership certificate (if the business premises are owned) or
    • certified photocopy of business premises lease contract (if the premises are rented) or
    • other documents suitable for gaining of the rights
  • Driving licence for the (passenger) cars which PPT is applied for – original to inspection and a photocopy
  • If the employed person is applying for the PPT it is necessary to provide the employment contract and the proof that the vehicle is registered in his name

If the abovementioned documents undoubtedly exist, a business entity (an authorised official) can easily renew the PPT by calling Customer Service and asking for an invoice for the next period. A day after the payment, a business entity is due to submit a traffic license for inspection and an authorization for the person who is PPT renewed for that is activation of service in charge by the legal entity.

8. Why businesses employees who are assigned company vehicles are not entitled to PPT in a residential area (as a resident)?

According to Decision of issuing subscription tickets for using ‘Parking Servis’ general car parks, a business entity or an entrepreneur can be issued up to 3 PPT for vehicles owned by that business entity of entrepreneur. Only one PPT can be issued to a vehicle owned by an employee who works for the business entity. In case when a PPT is issued to a vehicle owned by an employee the same vehicle can not be entitled to any other PPT at some other criteria.

Please note that the residents and business entities are entitled to PPT only on condition that they are the vehicle owners which is proved by a traffic license. An employee who is assigned a company vehicle (by a business entity or entrepreneur) cannot exercise the right to a PPT (as a resident) owing to the fact that he is not the vehicle owner.

9. What are the possible reasons for issuing a ticket in case when a customer still has sent an SMS to pay for the parking?

The most common cases are:

  1. an SMS has been sent but with the wrong register plate number of the vehicle,
  2. an SMS has been sent to a wrong SMS centre (number),
  3. an SMS has been sent for a wrong zone

Apart from that a great number of customers do not read the reply they get back, because except an affirmative reply they can get one of the following:

We are sorry, this service is currently disabled, can you please pay in some other way Your request is currently being processed, please try later Due to a time limit this service is not available, try later

In case when an SMS has been sent after the ticket has already been issued, the owner will be informed in an automated reply message.

10. Why parking attendants don't issue tickets to illegally parked cars out of public car parks?

PUC "Parking service" Belgrade, in accordance with the Decision on public parking lots, controls and charges for parking of properly parked vehicles in general public parking lots - which are determined by the Decision on general parking lots of the City Secretariat for Traffic.

For the use of the general public parking lot, the user is obliged to pay the appropriate price for a certain time of use, by paying for the service in advance or later according to the issued electronic order for payment of eDPK only for properly parked vehicles.

Outside the general public parking lots under payment determined by the Decision on general parking lots, the controllers of PUC "Parking service" Belgrade do not control nor charge for parking.

Acting in the case of improperly parked vehicles, both in general public parking lots and outside them, is the responsibility of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs - a police officer, a communal police officer as well as communal inspections of city municipalities.

11. Does introducing zones around Clinical medical centre and health centres make sense?

Zone parking system has had the best results just around the institutions which face huge parking demand. By restricting parking, the following has been achieved:

employees of these institutions are prevented from occupying a great number of parking places the higher frequency of vehicles has been made possible which has resulted in many more citizens having better access to these institutions.

Please note a high degree of tolerance in cases when our customers submit appropriate medical documentation which justify their exceeding the time limits around medical centres.

12. Why are traffic signs not different for owners of different privileged parking permits – PPT?

Traffic signs – vertical signalization are the same for all participants in traffic. Zone signs – inform of a time limit i.e. a maximum allowed time to park your car in a particular zone. Any privileged parking permit owner – PPT should be familiar with his rights based on public instructions on how to use a privileged parking permit – PPT.

13. Why parking tickets cannot be bought at all newsstands?

‘Parking Servis’ carries out distribution of parking tickets to all retail outlets interested in their further sale. As these outlets are privately owned we cannot influence their choice of range of goods.

14. Why don't parking controllers control parking spaces for people with disabilities?

Supervision over the proper use of parking spaces for vehicles of persons with disabilities in general public parking lots is the responsibility of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs - police officers, communal police officers, and communal inspections of city municipalities, which act in accordance with the law and bylaws in this area. Employees of PUC "Parking servis" control the use of general public parking lots for vehicles that are properly parked.

Irregularities in public parking lots are reported by the parking controllers to the dispatcher, who then informs the competent authorities that supervise the proper use of disabled parking spaces and whose authority is to issue orders to remove vehicles parked in those places contrary to the traffic signalization.

15. Why don't controllers inform users that parking is paid?

PUC "Parking service" Belgrade provides communal parking service in public parking lots in accordance with the Decision on public parking lots of the city of Belgrade, which prescribes general business conditions. Public car parks are marked with traffic signalization in accordance with traffic safety regulations and have a prominent notice in a visible place that contains all the necessary information for users, which, refers to the zone, time limit, price, method of payment, time of payment parking, contact for information and complaints, etc., thus fulfilled the legal obligation of pre-contractual notification of users.

Employees of the Parking Controller control and charge for parking in general public parking lots for vehicles that are properly parked, and provide users with additional information regarding the obligation to pay for parking, if the user requests it.

16. Why is payment reminder sent to vehicle owners and not to users authorized by the court or municipality?

According to the Decision on Public Parking Lots, the user of the parking lot is considered to be the driver or the last registered owner of the vehicle who is registered in the relevant records of the competent state body of the Republic of Serbia, according to the vehicle registration number, on the day the utility parking service is performed.

Electronic orders for payment of eDPK are issued according to the registration number of the vehicle so at the time of issuance, the user of the parking lot (driver, owner) is unknown.

Notices for payment, Reminders for payment, as well as Reminders before initiating the procedure of forced collection before the competent public executors, by JKP "Parking Servis" Belgrade can be sent only to the last registered owner of the vehicle according to official records of the Ministry of Interior. The mentioned data are obtained by PUC "Parking Servis" Belgrade from the Ministry of the Internal Affairs of the Republic of Serbia in accordance with the authorizations from the Law on Communal Activities.

In accordance with the Law on Traffic Safety, the owner of the vehicle is obliged to report any data change which should be edited in the traffic license within 15 days from the day of the change.

17. Why do parking attendants not inform users that parking is charged for?

Pursuant to the authorization set by the Decision on public car parks, parking attendants are required to carry out parking control and payment collection and users will be given additional information related to payment only if they ask for it. Decision on public car parks sets the user obligation to pay a fee for using a car park. There is a traffic sign at any public car park i.e. the sign of the zone with clear instructions on time limits and methods of payment.

18. On what basis does ‘Parking Servis’ carry out parking control and payment collection on public car parks in both zone and non-zone parts of the city?

‘Parking Servis’ carries out public service of maintaining public car parks i.e. parking control and payment collection on public car parks according to the following regulations:

Decision on public car parks (Official gazette of the City of Belgrade issue 12/2010, 37/2011, 42/2011, 11/2014, 30/2014, 34/2014, 89/2014, 96/2016, 36/2017, 118/2018, 26/2019, 52/2019, 65/2020, 152/2020, 9/2021, 111/2021 and 76/2022) sets the regulations and methods of organizing business related to carrying out public services of maintaining public car parks and conditions of their usage.

Decision on street parking (Official gazette of the City of Belgrade issue 44/2009, 2/2010, 9/2010, 29/2010, 45/2011, 36/2013, 11/2014, 76/2014, 3/2015, 23/2015, 2/2016, 78/2016, 80/2016, 82/2016, 91/2016, 102/2016, 40/2017, 91/2017, 5/2018, 108/2018, 1/2019, 4/2019, 5/2019, 35/2019, 48/2019, 72/2019, 136/2019, 1/2020, 123/2020, 24/2021, 88/2021, 99/2021, 115/2021, 124/2021, 9/2022, 28/2022, 82/2022, 1/2023, 39/2023, 60/2023, 76/2023, 82/2023 and 7/2024) determines public car parks so that they are categorized according to the zone and allowed parking time, defines the criteria for using car parks underprivileged conditions, possibility of reserving public car parks and other important issues.

19. Which regulations define PUC "Parking Service" performing control and charging parking fees in public parking lots in both zoned and non-zoned parts of the city?

PUC "Parking servis" Belgrade is the performer of communal activities of public parking management, which it performs in accordance with: Law on Communal Activities ("Službeni glasnik RS" No. 88/2011, 46/2014, 104/2016 and 95/2018), the Founding Act and Decision on Public Parking Lots "Službeni glasnik grada Beograda" No. 12/2010, 37/2011, 42/2011, 11/2014, 30/2014, 34/2014, 89/2014, 96/2016, 36/2017, 118/2018, 26/2019, 52/2019, 65/2020, 152/2020, 9/2021, 111/2021 and 76/2022) - which regulates the conditions and manner of organizing work in the performance of communal activities for the maintenance of public parking lots and conditions use of public parking lots, as well as the Decision on general parking lots ("Službeni glasnik grada Beograda" No. 44/2009, 2/2010, 9/2010, 29/2010, 45/2011, 36/2013, 11/2014, 76/2014, 3/2015, 23/2015, 2/2016, 78/2016, 80/2016, 82/2016, 91/2016, 102/2016, 40/2017, 91/2017, 5/2018, 108/2018, 1 / 2019, 4/2019, 5/2019, 35/2019, 48/2019, 72/2019, 136/2019, 1/2020, 123/2020, 24/2021, 88/2021, 99/2021, 115/2021, 124/2021, 9/2022, 28/2022, 82/2022, 1/2023, 39/2023, 60/2023, 76/2023, 82/2023 and 7/2024) which determine the general parking lots, by categorizing according to zones and allowed parking time, define the criteria for use under preferential conditions, the possibility of reserving public parking lots and other important issues.

20. What is the legal basis for issuing an order for payment of a daily ticket and what is the legal nature of this order?

The electronic daily parking ticket (eDPK) is, by its legal nature, the price for the performed communal parking service, which is determined by the public utility company with the consent of the mayor of the city of Belgrade.

The legal basis for issuing an electronic order for payment of eDPK is contained in the provisions of the Law on Communal Activities and the Decision on Public Parking Lots of the City of Belgrade.

The Law on Communal Activities regulates that the assembly of a local self-government unit shall prescribe the manner of performing a communal activity, general and special rights and obligations of communal activity performers and service users, including the manner of paying the price of communal service, manner of controlling use and collection of communal service, the performer of communal activity in performing control and the activities that the controllers are authorized to take.

The Decision on Public Parking Lots of the City of Belgrade (Decision) prescribes general and special rights and obligations of utility service providers and utility service users, and the same applies directly to all contractual relations of utility service providers with utility service users as general business conditions. By parking the vehicle in the parking place, the user starts using the parking service and accepts the conditions prescribed by the Decision, for the service of using the public parking lot.

According to the provisions of Article 18a paragraph 1 of the Decision, the user of the general parking lot who started using the parking service (parking the vehicle in the parking lot), can use the parking service after half an hour, started an hour by paying in advance electronically or daily by paying later. based on an electronic payment order. The electronic order for payment of eDPK is issued to the user under the conditions that apply to daily parking, who has not paid in advance for the parking service (no parking ticket), in accordance with the provisions of Article 18a. paragraph 1 of the Decision or whose limited (extended) parking time has expired, pursuant to the provisions of Article 18a para. 3. Decisions.

Electronic order for payment of eDPK is issued only for properly parked vehicles in general public parking lots (zoned and non-zoned areas under payment).