Transport of Vehicle with Foreign License Plates
Keeping of removed vehicles under the order of the competent authority until the collection of receivables due
PUC "Parking servis" Belgrade, pursuant to the Article 36 of the Law on Communal Activities (The Official Gazette of RS, No. 88/11 and 104/16) and the Article 21a of the Decision on Public Parking Lots (The Official Gazette of the City Belgrade, Nos. 12/10-consolidated text, 37/11, 42/11, 11/14, 30/14, 34/14, 89/14 and 96/16), is authorized to keep a debtor's motor vehicle removed by an order of the competent authority (Ministry of Interior of RS or the Communal Inspection), until the collection of due receivables.
Due receivables means receivables based on:
- issued orders for the payment of daily ticket, in accordance with the applicable Decision on Public Parking Lots and
- performed service for removing the vehicle under the order of the competent authority, demurrage costs and other associated costs calculated according to the applicable price list of the Company.
Based on performed service for removing the vehicle under the order of the competent authority, demurrage costs and other associated costs calculated according to the Company's applicable price list, the debt repayment is performed exclusively by one-off payment, prior to taking over the vehicle. The vehicle can be taken over after effected payment of the debt based on performed vehicle removal service.
Based on issued orders for the payment of daily ticket, the collection of debt due in accordance with the Decision on Public parking Lots is performed:
- By initiating the procedure for the collection of receivables, when the debtor (the driver/owner of the vehicle) can be identified through the records of the competent authority of the Republic of Serbia (vehicles registered in the territory of the Republic of Serbia), in which case the retention of removed vehicle is not performed until the collection of receivables based on issued orders;
- By keeping the vehicle until the collection of receivables due, when the debtor (the driver/owner of the vehicle) cannot be identified through the records of the competent authority of the Republic of Serbia (vehicles registered in the territory of the Republic of Serbia) and it is not possible to initiate the procedure for the collection of receivables.
Based on issued orders for the payment of daily ticket, the debt repayment may be performed by ONE-OFF METHOD, for receivables arising from the orders for payment of daily tickets, which become due by the date when removal of the vehicle was performed.
Debt repayment can be made at the authorized Company cash desk:
- 31 Takovska Street
- 51 Mileševska Street
- 134g Milutina Milankovića Street
or settles the debt by a transfer order/payment in the Creditor's current account No. 205-251954-50 with NLB Komercijalna Bank a.d.
Based on performed service for removing the vehicle under the order of the competent authority, demurrage costs and other associated costs, calculated according to the Company's applicable price list, the debt repayment is performed exclusively by one-off payment at the location where the vehicle has been towed.
In case of regulating the debt, the debtor may take over the vehicle only after submitting the evidence on effected payment of ALL receivables due - both based on the issued orders for payment of daily ticket and based on performed service for removing the vehicle.